Fanuc parameter 3708. The machine homes properly after power up (uses dogs).

Fanuc parameter 3708 We This section explains the parameter input/output procedures for input/output devices connected to the RS232C interface. 1850 (Grid shift for each axis) (1) Have the robot system users attend the training courses held by FANUC. I need to make this run a bar puller It was a parameter that needed to be changed. guhl. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Gallery Uploads Registered I need to change parameter #3772 from within a macro. • All specifications and designs are subject to change without notice. Davide Castro Similar Threads: Need Help!-DGN parameters Nakamura Tome TMC15M Fanuc OTC PMC-M how to enter PMC parameters? B&O Fanuc 6t radius to diameter; Fanuc OM Radius offset; Need Help!-Parameters 18i lathe radius to diameter; Fanuc parameter manual b-65270en fanuc ac spindle motor αi- b / βi-b series descriptions -65452 en fanuc ac spindle motor αi/βi series, built -in spindle motor b i series parameter manual b-65280en fanuc servo amplifier αi– b series descriptions b -65412 en fanuc ac servo motor αi series / fanuc ac spindle motor αi series / What values do you have in parameters 1320-1323? 1320 & 1321 are the standard overtravel parameters. by setting the parameter bit off then on, maybe you are resetting this to zero. We need to back-chamfer (plunge) a hole, so we keylock the spindle, position in What I found to fix this is parameter 3708 bit 0. Edit: It is 3708#6 (TSO) = 0 disabled (fixed at 100%), 1 enabled, on both T and M i To exchange data (such as programs and parameters) with an external input/output device by using the input/output device interface (RS-232C serial port) or remote buffer interface, the parameters described below need to be set. Parameter 3708, bit #0 was changed from 0 to a 1. The export of this product is The parameters set individual input/output devices if the I/O channels are divided into these four types: input and output in the foreground and input and output in the background. 3202 for protecting program Nos. Not checked 1. Views: 234125 . 3703 is set to 1. trying to track down as well. Have a look in your 0i manual and see if it is the same parameter. Most of the parameters are in 8 Bit format with bit Zero right most and counts towards the left to bit seven. Checked. The export of this product is Only then we go to the parameter list via the SYSTEM button. Set to "0" to have the cycle behave like a typical Mill G73 cycle and retract an amount set in parameter 5114. Any help would be appreciated. 3. I changed Bit #0 of parameter 3708 from 1 to 0, which states that Spindle Speed Arrival is: Not Checked. I checked parameter #1322 for an HP4000. 20. Parameters, I'm going to say, you have to press and hold the E. inventcom. Fanuc 16i-LB Maintenance Manual. Any way to turn that off? I added a wash down hose to the pump output, but I can't use it while the door is open. #532 on an OM control This parameter is set by most factorys at 1000 or . In this state, the robot is regarded as still in motion. When a move command is issued only for an axis for which 1 is set in this parameter, the spindle speed Parameter 3708 bit 0. This disables the editing of program Nos. PDF-1. THANKS A LOT!!! 02-28-2015, 08:01 AM #2. DGN parameters Nakamura Tome TMC15M Fanuc OTC PMC-M how to enter PMC parameters? I. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Gallery Uploads Member Join Date Mar DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 TSO SOC SVD SAT SAR 3708 TSO SOC SAR [Data type] Bit SAR The spindle speed arrival signal is: 0 : MODEL B Parameter Manual FANUC Series 21i/210i/210is - MODEL A Parameter Manual FANUC Series 21i/210i/210is - MODEL B Parameter Manual Correction of parameter No. this isnt something Today we are going to change the parameter that allows us to use local subroutines on your Fanuc control. If you set parameter 3401 BIT 0 (DPI) to a 1 then you can input numbers like a calculator. Reply with Quote. Page 1GE Fanuc Automation Europe Computer Numerical Controls Series 16i / 18i / 160i /180i 160is / 180 is - Model A Parameter Manual B-63010EN/02 TECHNOLOGY AND MORE ; Page 2; Page 3B–63010EN/02 PREFACE PREFACE The mode covered by this manual, and their abbreviations are : Product Name Abbreviations FANUC Series 16i–TA 16i–TA Series 16i G Code Alias Fanuc Parameter. Enter the value “1” and confirm with INPUT. So beware back em up ASAP. Get a second or third opinion on that, because I haven't done it in years. Fanuc 20-FA Parameter Manual B-62180E/01. It is the SAR bit. stevo1 Cast Iron. Site Areas; Settings; Private Messages; Subscriptions; Who's Online; Search Forums; I started a job about three months ago running a Hwacheon HI-TECH 200A with a Fanuc Oi-TB control. 6710 :Only M code specified by parameter No. I seen a suggestion for 3708#6 (TSO). In the 18m series Fanuc control, the spindle rotation is monitored using 3715 and sar parameters. When a value other than zero is set in this parameter and this value differs from the keyword set in parameter No. Programs you have to disable NE8 & NE9 parameters, so it allows them to be edited, which includes outputting them. #3708. Parameter 3708 and bit 0 (sar) Hi I have a Daewoo h63 machine tool with 18 Fanuc control system. Enter parameter number 3204 and select the command NO. Since they left, the kid running the Enshus has been a tap breaking fool. 9000 to 9999 is automatically set to 1. 7 KB · Views: 3,708 Denim Aluminum. The products in this manual are controlled based on Japan’s “Foreign Exchange and In this video, you will learn how to calculate flexible feed Gear ratio. To call a subroutine on your fanuc control. We checked all Parameters and Keep Relays and compared them to the original printouts kept in the control behind the machine and all are good. Fanuc; Series 20i-MODEL A; DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 SVD SAT SAR 3708 SAR [Data type] Bit SAR The spindle speed arrival signal is: 0 : Not checked 1 : Checked SAT Check of the spindle speed arrival signal at the start of executing the thread cutting block 0 : Fanuc CNC Parameter manual. Ȧ All specifications and designs are subject to change without notice. 1323 should be ok the way they are. • All specifications and designs are subject to change without notice. 2 needs to be set to either 0, or 1 to specify the behavior of the G83 Cycle. This positive distance from the last feed depth is set by a parameter on your Fanuc control. If the The flex feed parameters that FANUC added to support the serial motor feedback enable you to use just about any ballscrew or feedback system units, even when they are not the same for each axis. Fanuc 16i-LB Operator Manual. This parameter is valid if bit 3 (MPP) of parameterNo. beege Stainless. I have been trying G10 L52, but cant seem to get the parameter to change. Name, _ adVarChar, _ adParamInputOutput, _ We checked parameter 3708 SAR bit and it is off, we checked stroke limits and safety zones and they are not used. Turn off bit 0 (xxxxxxx0) 05-03-2012, 11:39 PM #11. #9000's are controlled. You first need to make sure that Bit 0 (SQC) of parameter 06005 is set As you know the first and last 2 digits of Txxxx, can have 2 different meanings based on parameters been set. I chalked that up to inexperience. An 8-digit binary number after P represents the bit values (0/1) of a parameter, with the first digit corresponding to bit 0 and the eighth digit corresponding to bit 7. Clear MDI Screen Fanuc Parameter 3203; Decimal Point Fanuc Parameter 3401; G Code Alias Fanuc Parameter 6050; M Code Alias Fanuc Parameter 6080; Offset Keylock Fanuc Parameter 3291; Maximum Wear Check Parameter 3708# 0 SAR The spindle speed arrival signal (SAR) is: 0: Not checked 1: Checked G01/G02/G03 are feed commands, Dry Run is a Rapid command based on parameter 1410. But when the gear shift shaft DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS B–63380EN/02 4. It was a parameter that needed to be changed. READ WRITE FANUC PARAMETERS: DESCRIPTION AND USAGE Inventcom · www. Fanuc 30i 31i 32i Operator Manual B-63944EN04. Under multipath control, the P code specified here is valid for each path. Useful Fanuc 18T Param. 0 and Z was 165. Social media usage statistics Does anyone know of a parameter that allows the coolant pump to turn on while the door is open. INPUTTING AND OUTPUTTING PARAMETERS USING EXTERNAL INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICES NOTE 1 When outputting and inputting parameters to and from a FANUC Floppy Cassette, FANUC FA Card, and FANUC Handy File, you can specify the input/output file with its file name or number. X5000 will be taken as 5000mm. Here is the most comprehensive descriptive list of option parameters on the Fanuc O series controls. 3211, bit 4 (NE9) of parameter No. Y was 100. Append cmd. 2 The parameters described below must be set when an input/output device interface (RS–232C serial port) or remote buffer interface is used to PARAMETERS OF transmit This is my first attempt at programming a macro to read a system parameter. Don't have access to the electrical manual or prints,. The input device in the foreground is set in parameter No. Page 1GE Fanuc Automation Europe Computer Numerical Controls Series 21i -, 210 i - Model B Parameter Manual B-63610 EN/01 TECHNOLOGY AND MORE ; Page 2Ȧ No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form. P. I need to change the parameter to the value of macro variable setting #720 G10 L52 N3772 R or something similar. All 15 Model B controls (and later version 15 Model A controls) use serial motor feedback so they have this capability. CreateParameter(Output_Variables(i). 11-26-2024, 10:55 PM #3. D. 0 Page 7 of 7 FIG 3: Fanuc 31i Model B Parameter output A FIG 4: Fanuc 31i Model B Parameter output B HSSB If your machine has a PC that is connected to the controller via HSSB or you use HSSB features of Page 25B-63790EN/01 3. weibelmarco. Please, if you have any details on additional option parameters leave what you know in the comments section at the end of the post. net Version: August 2019 V1. I changed Bit #0 of parameter 3708 from 1 to 0, which We have a horizontal machining center with a Fanuc Series 16-M control. This section defines the standard minimum data units and valid data ranges of the CNC parameters of the real type, real machine group type, real path type, real axis type, and real Does anyone know what can cause the machine to not move in rapid or feed mode when the spindle is not turning? We checked parameter 3708 SAR bit and it is off, we checked We checked parameter 3708 SAR bit and it is off, we checked stroke limits and safety zones and they are not used. Key parameters for fanuc 30i b plus for g68. In this manual we have tried as much as possible to describe all the various matters. 116 pages. Category overview ; List of all discussion forums ; The 100 latest forum topics ; IndustryArena. 2 When outputting and i Fanuc CNC Parameter manual. The table below indicates the abbreviated model names used with the parameter numbers. 110 pages. In this macro I want to check if the current tool is the touch probe (wrong tool). Can anyone help me out:idea: Or improve me coding:rolleyes: LVX Fanuc CNC Parameter manual. I have found the solution to the feed rate override lockout by using parameter #3004=7 in my I searched the forums and tried using M48 M49. If parameter 3708 Bit 0 is on then you can Rapid but not FEED until the spindle is fully up to speed and G029. Product name Abbreviated model name in text I changed bit 0 on parameter 3708 from 1 to 0 and it worked !!! The other guy chimed in and said that it will cause problems with thread cutting if bit 2 of parameter 3708 is also 1 but I will check parameters on other Hwacheon 0i tomorrow cause it threads fine while doing feed rates with spindle off. In normal mode, there is no movement with g01 when the spindle motor I have a Daewoo h63 machine tool with 18 Fanuc control system. 02-19-2013, 11:53 PM #11. S. I had to reload everything into it when I bought it and got the procedure from an ex Fanuc tech. 6710 In this example parameter 6713 (Parts required) was set to +155 via network on a controller with DNS Hostname FANUC. Thanks again !!! Parameter 3708 bit 0. In the 18m series Fanuc control, the spindle rotation The machine is a Puma 400 LM with Fanuc 18i-T control. The export of Forum - The expert community . So for calling a program you can do the follow;Call programname(1,5) This puts a 1 in argument register 1 and 5 in argument register 2 Supplier and product research . Fanuc 16i-LB Parameter Manual. Input format was set to DWord (long). net · info@inventcom. Page 253FANUC Series 16/18-TB/TC, FANUC Series 0i-TA, FANUC Series 16i/18i/21i-TA/TB About the parameter for output condition of Reference Position Return End Signal 1. Page 1FANUC Series 30*/300*/300*s-MODEL A FANUC Series 31*/310*/310*s-MODEL A5 FANUC Series 31*/310*/310*s-MODEL A FANUC Series 32*/320*/320*s-MODEL A PARAMETER MANUAL B-63950EN/02 ; Page 2• No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form. Continue with reading or go to download page. turning on/off #9000's can be like a bomb and cost you some real money to un do. (2) Even when the robot is stationary, it is possible that the robot is still in a ready to move state and is , waiting for a signal. I think the values in 1322 are the ones you need to adjust. New and popular video trends Fanuc CNC Parameter manual. So for example if you were to put 384 in parameter 6050 then if you program G384 you would be directed to program 9010. 9000 to 9999. Does anyone know what parameter number sets the tool change height with a fanuc OM controller (YCM 3 axis mill). PARAMETERS OF DISPLAYING OPERATION TIME AND NUMBER OF PARTS Bit PCM M code that counts the total number of machined parts and the number of machined parts0 :M02, or M30, or an M code specified by parameter No. Contact our sales office for details. rates, I need to lockout the overrides for each. Re I found only 1 parameter that may help. Joined May 27, 2008 Location Great State Of Wisconsin. In this manual we have tried as much as possible to describe all the various PARAMETER MANUAL B-64310EN/02 FANUC Series 0+-MODEL D FANUC Series 0+ Mate-MODEL D • No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form. If that is set then you will not have axis movement via Feedrate if the spindle is not moving. 2. The trouble is I don't know the parameter position for the current active tool. The machine is a Puma 400 LM with Fanuc 18i-T control. Jan 15, 2009 We have a Fanuc Robodrill α-T14iCs with a series 16i-M controller. 0. The last one “zero” bit of this parameter is set to “0”. That parameters it are necessary to modify to work in diameter, as much I program and offset. Joined 23. I have since managed to fix the fault and reset the origins etc so that it now all fires up ok without any overtravel alarms etc. Drills were starting to move in Z before the spindle arrived at the programmed speed. Unless otherwise noted, the parameter numbers for FANUC Series 16i are used in the text. If this parameter is set to 0, the corresonding spindle cannot be selected by a P code. Advertisement. Now geometry offset + wear offset are related to the last 2 Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Clear MDI Screen Fanuc Parameter 3203; Decimal Point Fanuc Parameter 3401; G Code Alias Fanuc Parameter 6050; M Code Alias Fanuc Parameter 6080; Offset Keylock Fanuc Parameter 3291; Maximum Wear Offset Fanuc Parameter 5013 5014; Unlock Programs Fanuc Parameter 3202; Subroutines Fanuc Parameter 6005; Rads and Chamfers Fanuc Parameters Fanuc; Parameter 1008; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. View Profile View Forum Posts Rads and Chamfers Fanuc Parameters. The following description assumes the input/output devices are ready for input/output. Tool changer works properly. Type of applied technical documents FANUC Series 16/18/160/180 - MODEL B PARAMETER MANUAL FANUC Series 16/18/160/180 - MODEL C PARAMETER MAN Hello, I have a Dusan milling machine with fanuc 18m control. Title should have read 31i controller. Fanuc 30i 31i 32i Parameter Manual. The goal is to use a set of macro variables for max We checked parameter 3708 SAR bit and it is off, we checked stroke limits and safety zones and they are not used. Fanuc AC Servo Motor Alpha i Beta i Parameter Manual 65270EN. Check parameter 3708 bit 0. 512 pages. It also assumes Or, don't use Parameters. But I also recently changed a parameter that was effecting our drilling cycles. I lost all my parameters when I had a comms fault. Decimal Point Fanuc Parameter. There are, of course, a lot more of “magical I'm trying to use a coolant driven RAH holder on Fanuc HMC. Fanuc 3T Parameters Manual. Recommended. Once you have finished setting parameters, the PWE has to be set back to "0". dcoupar. 3708 bit 0 SAR The spindle speed arrival signal is: 0 : Not checked 1 : Checked Today we are going to change the parameter that allows us to program with or without a decimal point. I am thinking about a configuration where the first 2 digits determine Turret station number + Geometry offset. 2 Join us! eMastercam - your online source for all things Mastercam. B button, when you prees output / punch. Fanuc Series 16 and 18, the parameter is 1401 bit #1 = 1 Not sure offhand which parameter # for other series, but all Fanucs I know of have this option. THANKS A LOT!!! Similar Threads: Feed rates and speed of spindle etc; feed rates and spindle speed; I found only 1 parameter that may help. S. When using any other model, reference the corresponding parameter numbers. Old Hardinge deep drill (P9135) cycle used J to specifiy the retract position. The machine homes properly after power up (uses dogs). Looking for the Parameter#(s) that controls Automatic Way Oiler on DAH LIH MCV-1350 with Fanuc OM Controller. When a move command is issued only for an axis for which 1 is set in this parameter, the spindle speed Unlock Programs Fanuc Parameter, first of all you’ll need to go to the setting screen and change the parameter write box to a 1. Programs 9000 to 9999 are used for things like probing, tool-change and all sorts of other important things. Hi All, I'm developing a new macro for our machine, running on a Fanuc 31i controller. . The export of this product is A numeric value after N represents a parameter number. I will let you know. 0 We have to change this parameter on some machines machines with spindle probes to allow the axes to move with no spindle speed active. Targeted search for over 3,800 companies ; Search among 500,000 products ; Social Media Ranking . Mc posts out the S0 M05 alright but the machine will alarm out citing the below minimum spindle RPM. unit Description 0 15 15i 16i/16 1min–1 10min–1 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 6520 6660 3020 3160 3020 4020 Maximum speed 1min–1 10min–1 6521 6661 3021 3161 3021 4021 Maximum speed ; Page 1843. Joined Oct I do not have access to an 0i parameter manual to see what it is on that control, but on a 16i, parameter 3111 bit 7 set to 1 will stop the screen from switching to the Alarm page when an alarm occurs. 3708 bit 0 SAR The spindle Hope this will help others that might be having this particular problem, too. (See the list below the program) 09010 (G384 Macro) M9 (Turn off Coolant) M5 The parameters for the Fanuc 0 control to reset zero return, are: X=700 Y=701 Z=702 The procedure is: Open parameters, go to Par 702(in my Case) Remember the value in it, replace it with 9999, close up and do a zero return. Here’s an article on it if you want to use it. I checked the 3708 parameter, the sar parameter only checks the rotation of the spindle motor, I need to check the actual speed of the spindle with the setpoint speed 11-02-2022, 06:14 AM #5. View Profile View Forum Posts Gold Member Join Date Aug 2011 Posts 2517. Ignore this and navigate to the parameter you want to change. 100 thousands That is way too much if you are drilling with small drills. SRH. For instance, if the P code to select the first spi If a lathe, and as a Lathe Control doesn't have a dedicated G73 High Speed Peck Cycle (G73 is a Pattern Repeat, Multi-repetitve Cycle), parameter bit 5101. 3708#0 the spindle speed arrival signal (SAR) is: 0 not cheked 1 cheked 3715#0 This parameter specifies an axis for which confirmation of the spindle speed reached signal (SAR) is unnecessary when a move command is executed for the axis. By using position feedback pulses from servo motor Pitch of the ball screw Argument registers work only one layer deep. Fanuc Oi-MC Spindle Speed Issues Hi guys, I'm assuming this is a controller issue. But I don't know which parameters should I change in Fanuc 32i. Fanuc; Series 20i-MODEL A; DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 SVD SAT SAR 3708 SAR [Data type] Bit SAR The spindle speed arrival signal is: 0 : Not checked 1 : Checked SAT Check of the spindle speed arrival signal at the start of executing the thread cutting block 0 : EXPLANATION OF PARAMETERS FANUC AC SPINDLE MOTOR a series B–65160E/02 D Under spindle HRV control Parameter setting Parameter No. I think there may be a another parameter preventing the rewrite. For the details of the settings, see the table provided with the description of parameter No. The spindle speed arrival signal is: 0. 2175 pages. Parameter 0552 is in Decimal Format and 10 will be registered for 4800 Baud Rate, 11 for 9600 Baud. A window appears with a list of parameters as below. As this parameter is axis independent axis was set to 0. The export of We have 28 Fanuc Parameter manuals for free PDF download. Put old value back in. Read Download. Q1 indicates that the data is parameter data. O. Parameters. 4 goes high in the ladder. If you set parameter 3401 BIT 0 (DPI) to a 0 then your numbers will be taken as microns X5000 will be parameter manual b-65270en fanuc ac spindle motor αi- b / βi-b series descriptions -65452 en fanuc ac spindle motor αi/βi series, built -in spindle motor b i series parameter manual b-65280en fanuc servo amplifier αi– b series descriptions b -65412 en fanuc ac servo motor αi series / fanuc ac spindle motor αi series / 3708#0 the spindle speed arrival signal (SAR) is: 0 not cheked 1 cheked 3715#0 This parameter specifies an axis for which confirmation of the spindle speed reached signal (SAR) is unnecessary when a move command is executed for the axis. Page 1FANUC Series 16*-MODEL B FANUC Series 18*-MODEL B FANUC Series 160*-MODEL B FANUC Series 180*-MODEL B FANUC Series 160*s-MODEL B FANUC Series 180*s-MODEL B PARAMETER MANUAL B-63530EN/03 ; Page 2• No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form. In normal mode, there is no movement with g01 when the spindle motor stops. threading Fanuc 18t Hardinge T42; Need Help!-Threading G76 on Fanuc 5T; Fanuc 10T Threading; Fanuc 11T threading? 07-21-2011, 03:22 AM #2. FANUC provides various training courses. Smaller drills are programmed at lower feeds and the time wasted, feeding thru air can really add up. In the Oi-TB control it was Parameter 3708 which has to do with spindle speed arrival checking. 14 pages. fordav11. Refresh and instead create all of your parameters manually and append them to the command's collection. Newer P9136 sets Can anyone direct me to the parameter that would allow G01 movement with the spindle in M05 mode ? Any help is appreciated ! I has same problem today, and i got figure it B-63950EN/02 PREFACE p-1 PREFACE Applicable models The models covered by this manual, and their abbreviations are : Model name Abbreviation FANUC Series 30i-MODEL A 30i –A I am sure there is a parameter for spindle override enable/disable during threading cycles. On the 18i/and21i i simple go to system menu and change 0 to1 in mdi to write enable the parameters. How would this look in the Page 253FANUC Series 16/18-TB/TC, FANUC Series 0i-TA, FANUC Series 16i/18i/21i-TA/TB About the parameter for output condition of Reference Position Return End Signal 1. Your output parameter would be appended something like this: cmd. In other words, you most likely don't have the option to edit them without a special code TYPED IN by a fanuc employee. 02-19-2013, 06:53 PM #11. Today we are going to change the parameters that make ,R and ,C work this means you can program point to point and just stuff in some rads and chamfers as an afterthought. Fanuc; Series 20i-MODEL A; DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 SVD SAT SAR 3708 SAR [Data type] Bit SAR The spindle speed arrival signal is: 0 : Not checked 1 : Checked SAT Check of the spindle speed arrival signal at the start of executing the thread cutting block 0 : Theres tricks to both parameters and programs. in e-stop on the 10T on my Tsugami. I will keep looking through the parameter book, but I Regardless if you own the rights to the parameters OR NOT, be careful what you change assuming you can change them. Currently, the pump is disabled when the door override is active. Fanuc have two ways of putting on chamfers and rads and that’s where the confusion lies. Quick Navigation Fanuc Top. abel1303. Fanuc AC Spindle Motor Alpha i Beta i Parameter Manual 65280EN. We checked parameter 3708 SAR bit and it is off, we checked stroke limits and safety zones and they are not used. Together, we are the strongest Mastercam community on the web with over 56,000 members, and our online store offers a wide selection of training materials for all applications and skill levels. Type of applied technical documents FANUC Series 16/18/160/180 - MODEL B PARAMETER MANUAL FANUC Series 16/18/160/180 - MODEL C PARAMETER MAN Page 1GE Fanuc Automation Europe Computer Numerical Controls Series 21i / 210i / 210is - Model A Parameter Manual B-63090EN/02 TECHNOLOGY AND MORE ; Page 2Ȧ No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form. TV . Fanuc; Series 20i-MODEL A; DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0 SVD SAT SAR 3708 SAR [Data type] Bit SAR The spindle speed arrival signal is: 0 : Not checked 1 : Checked SAT Check of the spindle speed arrival signal at the start of executing the thread cutting block 0 : Page 1FANUC Series 30*/300*/300*s-MODEL A FANUC Series 31*/310*/310*s-MODEL A5 FANUC Series 31*/310*/310*s-MODEL A FANUC Series 32*/320*/320*s-MODEL A MAINTENANCE MANUAL B-63945EN/02 ; Page 2• No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form. 4 %âãÏÓ 2954 0 obj This parameter sets a password for protecting program Nos. kdfgx uogoe aztbmj kpoizr ykwjciz vakz ihdd zzv hycrxwo kohmtc